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Frenectomy treatment in Dumas, Canyon, Amarillo, Farwell, and Dalhart, TX
Frenectomy in Dumas, Canyon, Amarillo, Farwell, and Dalhart, TX


Improve Speech, Bite, & Feeding

Inside of the mouth are two frenums: a lingual and labial frenum. These bands of tissues are around the teeth and gums and can impair oral function if not properly sized. A frenectomy is an oral surgery procedure that reduces the size of one or both frenums to allow for proper function. Contact our oral health experts at Full Smile Dental who can perform a frenectomy procedure in Dumas, Canyon, Amarillo, Farwell, and Dalhart, TX, for children and adults.

Why Get a Frenectomy? 

When one or both frenums are improperly sized, a frenectomy is performed to reduce the size and allow for proper oral function. You can undergo a frenectomy procedure on the lingual, the labial frenum, or both. 

The lingual frenum is a vertical band of tissue that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. If this band is too long or too thick, an infant may have difficulty nursing. This condition is commonly known as being tongue-tied. If left untreated, the child could develop speech problems or discomfort when swallowing. 

The labial frenum is a connective band that attaches the upper lips to the gum. You can feel this frenum by pushing your tongue up in front of your two front teeth. If the labial frenum is too long, it can grow between the front teeth, negatively affecting the spacing and growth of the front teeth. This gap makes it easier for food to become stuck, increasing the risk of gingivitis. 

When Should I Get a Frenectomy? 

The sooner a frenectomy is performed, the better. Infants and young children heal quickly and will experience easier feeding and speaking. Your child should see a pediatric dentist when the first baby tooth emerges or around the age of one, whichever happens first. 

Adults are able to have a frenectomy performed if they have not been previously diagnosed as a child. Adults who undergo this procedure will experience improved eating and speaking abilities. Speech therapy can be beneficial to both children and adults following a frenectomy. 

The Frenectomy Procedure

A pediatric dentist or oral surgeon will perform this procedure in the safety and comfort of one of our offices. Full Smile Dental has five offices located in Dumas, Canyon, Amarillo, Farwell, and Dalhart, TX, to treat children and adults with improperly sized frenums. 

Your doctor will discuss the anesthesia options for your child prior to surgery. Young children or those who have difficulty sitting still may require IV sedation or general anesthesia. Once you or your child is comfortable, your doctor will use a soft tissue laser to remove excess tissue in the targeted frenum. Sutures will be placed as necessary. The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes or less to complete.

Frenectomy in Dumas, Canyon, Amarillo, Farwell, and Dalhart, TX

Full Smile Dental provides exceptional dental and oral surgery care to patients of all ages. Our team of general and cosmetic dentists, pediatric dentists, and oral surgeons are committed to going beyond the standard of care for every patient. Each of our offices are equipped with advanced technology and accept many forms of payment and financing to make your oral health treatment more affordable. A frenectomy can greatly improve the function of the tissues within the mouth for children and adults with enlarged or elongated frenums. If you have an improperly shaped labial or lingual frenum, the experts at Full Smile Dental can help.

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Receive thoughtful oral surgery and dental care in a modern and comfortable setting. Our state-of-the-art facilities and expert team ensure every experience is made exceptional. We look forward to serving you and your loved ones.